Tuesday, 28 April 2009

Oh My God my Shoe

My Fave Shoe ( wooden ) split in half.

Ladies turn away - its a hard moment to see.

Today 28th April 2009 ir Orange's 15th Birthday

Today is the company Orange ( telecommunications ) 15Th Birthday.

AS a gift from the company to celebrate 15 years we were all given a Orange cup cake to celebrate.

If you know me well you will know that i cant eat Wheat so i have not experienced how nice these cup cakes are. But Brian was happy to eat it for me.

Im still waiting for everyone in my team to start foaming at the mouth and turn into orange loving ZOMBIE's he he .

This afternoon i decided to collect some more cupcakes for the boys to enjoy with a cup of tea.

View the video below to see Andy having the ability to pack a whole one in his mouth in one go.

Note no animals were harmed in the video other than Andy having to take 3 take's .